Spinningratas LF IC4
- Tootja Indoor Cycling Group
- Artikkel IC-LFIC4B1-01
- Riias laos: 0
- Tootja Indoor Cycling Group
- Artikkel IC-LFIC4B1-01
- Riias laos: 0
IC4 ühendab kaasaegse disaini kvaliteetsete mehaaniliste komponentidega. Rihmülekanne ja magneetiline takistus on praktiliselt hooldusvabad ning tagavad ka suurepärase sõidumugavuse.
Magnettakistuse pöördnupp võimaldab kiiret vastupanu taseme reguleerimist. Otse leistangi all asuv 300-kraadine pöördnupp on kõigist sõiduasenditest hõlpsasti ligipääsetav.
Ergonoomilise disainiga leistang on kaetud pehme PVC-ga ning laiem, pakkudes suurematele kasutajatele paremat toestust. Eraldistardi leistang tagab lisaasendi.
Suurepärane raamigeomeetria muudab sinu sõiduasendi mugavaks ja tagab sujuva pedallaazi. 155mm Q-Factor on aluseks tõhusale jõurakenduse ülekandele.
Mugav unisex sadul on elegantse disainiga. Sadula keskosas on auk, mis leevendab survet keha tundlikumatele osadele.
Poly-V Rihmülenanne tagab täiusliku jõuülekande. 1:10 ülekandearv tekitab uskumatult kiire hooratta kiiruse. Kokkuvõttes - vähem hooldust, vähem rikkeid ja vähem müra.
Ratast saab seadistada neljasuunaliset (sadula kõrgus, sadul ees/taga, juhtraua kõrgus, leistang ees/taga). Nii on tagatud peenhäälestus ka kõige nõudlikumale sõitjale. Leistangi seadistamise uudne tehnoloogia muudab reguleerimise lihtsamaks, turvalisemaks ja kiiremaks. Kvaliteetsest alumiiniumist sadula- ja juhtrauapostid on vastupidavad ja vähendavad ratta kaalu.
Seadistamine pole kunagi olnud lihtsam! ICG uudne juhtraua postitehnoloogia on mugav kasutada ja vähendab ratta kogukaalu. Süsteem, mis tagab maksimaalse kasutajamugavuse.
Hooldusvaba magnettakistus! ICG magnettakistus on ilmselt insnertehniliselt parim! Hooldusvaba tehnoloogia, mis pakub kasutajale suuremat takistusvahemikku.
Indoor Cycling Group (ICG) - a fitness industry company and market leaders in indoor cycling. Almost every year ICG gets awards for being the best in their field, and we think it say a lot about brand, to keep quality, service and innovations at the highest for 16 years. ICG offers high quality and interactive exercise bikes, which are possible to connect to the most popular cycling apps. If You are interested in high quality and effectiveness exercise bikes, then this is the go to recommendation which we have!
ICG has taken a small part of cardio exercise machines - exercise bikes, and made the best exercise bikes in world. Over 25 years experience combined with innovations, upgrades, and even cheating with world's best cyclist have made this brand recognizable in whole world.
Kick your training up a level with the new ICG® App! Get fit & motivated with our expertly designed FREE workouts from our world-class ICG® Master Trainer team. Available in the App Store and Google Play NOW!!
ICG - The home of indoor cycling!
ICG Catalogs: can be found here
Founded By: Bernd Puerschel Headquarters: Nuremberg, Germany Brand: Founded in 1995
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Assembled Dimensions | 52" (132cm) Length 20.5" (52cm) Width 47.2" (120cm) Heigth |
Assembled Weight | 110lb (50kg) |
Computer | No |
Computer Power Supply | No |
Connect tehnology | No |
Max User weight | 330lbs (150kg) |
Power Measurement | No |
Training Intensity Guide | No |
Workout Tracking | No |
Flywheel | Rear, aluminium, evenly-weighted |
Q-Factor | 155mm / 6.1 |
Water Bottle Holder | Dual, integrated on handlebar |
Drivetrain | Poly-V belt |
Drivetrain Gear Ratio | 1:10 |
Frame Color | Matte Slate |
Frame Material | Steel |
Shrouds & Guards | Full frame |
Frame Stabilizer Bars | Oversized, hidden bolts & fixings |
Protections & Stretch Plates | Modern form-fit with stretch plate |
Levelling Feet | 4 |
Transport Wheels | 2 |
Pedal Type | Dual-sided SPD & toe cage |
Adjustment Type | Dials & levelers |
Handlebar | Ergo-formed, multi postion, soft PVC |
Saddle Adjustments | Verical and horizontal |